February 20, 2012

Just Have Patience .....

..... and it will all, eventually, land into place. 

February 19, 2012

The Choice Isn't Always Your's

"Sometimes when you give up on someone, it's not because you don't care anymore, but because you realize they don't." ~Anonymous

Rainbows and Chinese Food

Saguaro Lake, February 19, 2012 (7:04 a.m.)
Yesterday's fortune cookie read, "Tomorrow your creative side will shine forth with exceptional ideas." Today, a rainbow held the sunrise captive and the kiss was free. 

February 13, 2012

Outside the Box

Sometimes you have to look outside your own comfort zone to find the person you're missing....

February 8, 2012


Silence, January 2012
Something magical happened last week.  I was going through some papers and ran across my old pencil tin, something I had stashed away when photography took a hold of me back in 2005. In fact, the last time I drew anything worth noting was in 1998.  So I suppose this would be the first doodle I've doodled in a very, very long time.  As I was drawing this I also realized why so many artists are self induced hermits.  Creating something from nothing does something to your soul.  It cleanses, it makes you feel something along the line of exhilaration. It makes your heart pump faster as you come to the end of the project and realize that what you envisioned in your mind actually transferred onto the paper or canvas. This is something that no other person can ever take from you.  It's yours, you own it.  Being able to create a visual piece of yourself and getting lost in the moments makes you feel safe.  It makes the reality outside your door dissolve, even for a few minutes, it's just you and your creation.