August 22, 2011

A Beautiful Fucked Up Mess

Your name ran across my tongue the other day and after all these years you are still Nothing. I seeked you out and found you still, to this day, hide behind the stories ... you sulk .... only you know deep down you are nothing ... nothing to a soul. You hide your thoughts so well....but eventually you show your true face. They each find you out and leave, don't they? I wonder if you will ever realize it's because you are you and they want more for themselves. Or is your justification still to place the blame solely on them. Were they in the wrong for leaving you? I wonder if you will ever realize that the ones who stay are only feeding off your talent...............for the real beast isn't worth more.

Although you have fought within your mind for something grand, you have accomplished nothing for yourself except a self righteous name that sells through the art you regurgitate. Constantly the same stories, the same plot, the same wrung out heart with nothing else changing through the stories but the characters and the role you play in their life. Nothing more.  Some will see it, some have seen it..... but only a few will decide to accept you for the real you and stay .... yes, you are a talented fool.....but simply Nothing more. Nothing but a beautiful fucked up mess.

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