November 21, 2011

Self Worth

The more I think about it, the more I truly believe that the amount of faith you have in others equals the amount of self worth you find in yourself.  Then I wonder - if you allow yourself to fall for someone you believe is far better than yourself, in morality and integrity, you won't trust yourself enough to just let it be.


Unknown said...

Consider for a moment that your self worth is directly attributable only to the amount of faith you have in yourself. Also consider that your faith in yourself is a choice that is yours and only yours to make. Thus your self worth is simply a choice to follow your own faith. Morality and integrity are based in your faith, now therefore no one person can be better or worse than you for they are simply following their own faith as well. Simply be true and faithful to yourself and all other things will fall into place.

Anonymous said...

if life was so simple, yup i chose to have faith in myeself. and the world aound me, all those i interact with, all my past experiences are just wisps of wind, here one moment, gone the next. its a positive, encouraging outlook. but, unless you exist in a vacuum, its a make believe wishfull perspective. but more importantly, we grow wings as we work through all the doubts and questions and not really what we had hoped for moments. despair, doubt are not to be feared, allowing them, or blind faith in the wonder of our will, should be. deep breaths, life would be incredibly vanilla if we didn't feel a full range and experience the highs and lows. js