July 22, 2012


"She believes in many things....
*That human nature eventually tells on itself. 
*A man who rushes in too quickly to love isn't really in love but rather a soul afraid to be by himself. 
*Ask a man of regrets and he will only tell you what he wishes you to know.
*A man with a last wish will wish for what he feels most important in life, thereby revealing his morals. 
*A man who isn't comfortable in his own skin will tell you what you want to hear when the moment comes but will act upon the opposite when you're not looking. 
*A man who is too bold is too busy thinking of his next plan of action to notice the woman standing before him. 
*A man who can mingle doesn't feel belittled in a room of intelligent people.
*Those who compliment too easily are always looking for the next to compliment rather than focusing on the gift of the relationship they already have.
*Trust is given as rarely as shown."
~ The Journal of the Elusive Contradiction; October, 2011 

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