January 30, 2012

Did I Ever Tell You How Lucky You Are?

"And suppose that you lived
In that forest in France
Where the average young person
Just hasn't a chance
To escape from the perilous
Pants eating plants!

You oughta be thankful
A whole heaping lot
For the people and places
You're lucky you're not."
~Dr. Seuss, (1973)
Rather than being sad you are you, sad that life seems so unfair to you, sad that an injustice you've created in your mind has made things a little bumpy, sad that you may not have what others might enjoy and instead of feeling there should be an easier way to survive....instead....for once....be aware enough to realize that in your life you have those surrounding you already that want you in their lives...just as you are and what they see in you......is you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

personal stock taking; eyes wide open, unclench your fist and pick up the pieces; rebirth? relaunch? reposition? maybe more adding another layer to things you knew before but suspended judgement or belief in the hope of an exception to the rule. ok you do know that we all do this, we all go through this process; its what we do with our new perspective, with our clearer mind that makes us hopeful, you should be hopeful!js