January 23, 2012

Perfect Imperfection

I was reading through quotes this evening, as I often do, and ran across this one, "Love isn't finding a perfect person. It's seeing an imperfect person perfectly." Quoted by Sam Keen.

For me reading quotes tend to make me look at difficult or mundane situations in another light.  A self-therapy if you will. A way to shed light on sometimes very dark moments in my life. Tonight, when I read this one, something inside me registered differently.  For such an unbelievable simple saying the impact was quite forceful.

After so, so many wrong people .... before I even realized what was happening and days before this quote .... I had begun to notice it the last time we were together, just laughing and sharing an everyday day....there's something else there. Possibly right below the surface, just out of my reach at this moment but ....

Every moment I spend with him, I'm beginning to see something a little different in myself, in him........

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I believe in this whole heartedly.